Council applies a combination of flat rates and differential rating pursuant to Chapter 11 of the Local Government Act 2019.
The application of the rating method is primarily determined by the type of property, the land-use and the location within the region. Rates for each allotment within the region area are set using the methodology set out in the rates declaration.
The council intends to raise general purpose rates by the application of the below:
Differential Rates – Differential rates are the rates charged on the property based on valuation of the property. Differential minimum rates are the minimum rates charged by the council depending on the valuation of the property
Flat Rates – Flat rates are the fixed rates charged by the council. There are different flat rates for different allotments within the Roper Gulf region.
Due dates
Rates and charges may be paid by instalments of two (2) payments (approximately equal instalments) on the following dates:
- First instalment to be paid on or before 30 September 2023;
- Second instalment to be paid on or before 31 January 2024.
Council charges interest on rates and charges not paid by the due date.
Frequently Asked Questions
The proposed collection of rates and charges for 2023-24 amounts to $2.7 million or 6.3% of Council's total operating budget of $42.4 million. It may seem a small proportion of where Council collects its revenue from, but it is important to recognise its significance. A strong rates base means less reliance on other government funding and helps the sustainability of the Council.
Rates are a form of land tax which the owners of the land contribute to the public services provided to all residents within a local government area. Local government charges are raised where specific services are delivered to the land allotments. In this case the Charge is for the service provided to collect and manage the property’s waste. A special rate is raised by the Council to fund a specific program or project such as animal health management that is desired by the communities in our region.
Rates and charges are levied against the land owner in the case of freehold land or against the occupier of property that is on aboriginal owned land. How much is paid depends on the category of the land, which can be residential, commercial, rural, pastoral or mining. The different rates are detailed in the Declaration of Rates issued each year by the Council.
Council expects to spend $42 million in 2023-24 on municipal services and in delivery of contracts on behalf of the Northern Territory and Commonwealth governments.
Pay over the phone: (Visa or MasterCard accepted)
Call us on (08) 8972 9000 during business hours (8:00 am – 4:00 pm), quoting Property Number.
Pay by Mail: (Cheque or Money Order)
Detach the remittance advice from your rates notice and/or reminder notice located at the bottom of the front side of the page, complete the amount paid and date sections on the advice and post it along with your cheque and/or Money Order made payable to Roper Gulf Regional Council.
Telephone and Internet Banking – BPAY: Biller Code and unique reference number are available at the bottom of the front side of the page on your rates notice and/or reminder notice.
Contact your bank or financial institution to make this payment from your cheque, savings, debit, credit card or transaction account.
Email: Write our rates department an email stating that you wish to update your contact details.
Phone: Call us on (08) 8972 9000 and update your contact details.
Refuse charges are not rates and are service charges for collection of rubbish bins. These charges are charged on properties even if they are exempt from rates as these are charged for picking up rubbish bins once or twice per week depending upon the communities as mentioned on the rates declaration.
The owner needs to write to the Council attaching the change of ownership notice. Also, please advise your lawyer to contact us to provide this notice which states settlement date, owner before change, owner after change, transfer or sale and all other required information stated on the notice.
To contact Council regarding your rates:
Phone: (08) 8972 9000
Office Address: 2 Crawford Street, Katherine NT 0850
Postal Address: PO Box 1321, Katherine NT 0851