School Nutrition Program

The School Nutrition Program (SNP) provides meals during the school term for children from Transition to Year 12 in Bulman and Manyallaluk

The School Nutrition Program aims to achieve two (2) main policy goals:

  • Contribute to improved school attendance and engagement for children enrolled in school from Transition to Year 12; and
  • Provide employment opportunities for local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

The program requires providers to prepare and deliver breakfast, morning tea, lunch or afternoon tea, or any combination of these, each teaching day of the school term. Meals are provided to participating students. All students from the participating school are eligible to participate, provided their meal costs are met by their parent and/or carer. 

Council follows the Eat for Health Educator Guide by the National Health and Medical Research Council (Department of Health) to ensure the meals that are provided in the program follow the nutrition guidelines for healthy eating in youth.  

The School Nutrition Program is run by the National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA) and is implemented in Bulman and Manyallaluk communities by Roper Gulf Regional Council.

The maximum contribution parents or carers are charged is $40.00 per child per week (or $8.00 per child per day) unless otherwise agreed by the NIAA. This money pays for the food used in the program.